Thursday 31 October 2019

Poetry Woofy woof

Woof poof doof lap
ruff sap nap tone
sloosh smack bang stone 
drop plop clop bone

these are sounds from
my energetic dog Jessie

bark and whine and yelp
and pant are the happy 
noises from a Jessie dog
 puppy woof

Today we made rhyming poems with at least 16 onomatopoeia and describing words

Wednesday 30 October 2019


We went around and write what we think of people.

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Dog Poetry


Dog goes woof
 lapping up water that is splashing in its bowl.
raindrops and plops thunderclaps,
 dog yelps and runs inside to the relaxing sound of water from the tap drip dropping into a cup.
dog goes to sleep when he dreams  he yelps a bit
 and he wakes up to a cheep twitter flap sound

WALT identify onomatopoeia.
My poem was about a dog

Friday 25 October 2019

Friday 18 October 2019

Week 1 reflection

Week 1 reflection

I enjoyed athletics because it is fun running around and jumping up and forward my favrourite event is long jump.

I want to work on not talking to much because i talk to much.

I found maths challenging because it is not my strong point.

I have learned about space witch is fun because it is related to Apollo 11.
