Friday 26 June 2020

North america

This is our slideshow about north America. My favourite country in North America is Canada.

Wednesday 24 June 2020


This is my word of the week for week 11, my word is egregious.

Friday 12 June 2020

Climate change

Climate change

Most people say we should get ready for climate change but its already here there are lots of islands that are sinking into the sea. Before the 1800s the way people lived they didn't make a lot of greenhouse gases when the industrial revolution came factories were built and needed energy, the way they made energy was by burning coal and other fossil fuels. I think the best way is to fence off land to grow trees back for oxygen or plankton farms.

Did you know:

If green lands ice sheet melts the sea will rise by 7 meters
It takes 1-4 tonnes of coal to make one solar panel
8 islands have sunk into the uprising ocean
Most solar panels only last for 5-10 years
Normal wind turbines only last for 20 years
In every second 1 and a half of an acre of rainforest is cut down
The worst greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide
That plankton makes oxygen

By Harry

Friday 5 June 2020

Onion wives

Onion wives

Long ago six families lived on the outskirts of the village. during the day the men would hunt and the wives would look for herbs in the forest to cook the meat. one day one of the wives found a group of small plant-like balls, they had discovered sweet onions. they bit into them and they loved them! they gathered lots of the sweet onions and brought them home." what is that smell?" said one of the husbands "something is rotting!" said another as they approached the wives they screamed "it's you" they showed them the onions and told them to taste them, the husbands shook their heads and told them that they had to sleep outside that night.the next night was the same and it kept happening the wives wanted them to taste the onions but husbands didn't. after awhile the wives were sick of sleeping under the stars and that night when they were laying on grass they were telling each other that they must leave. The eldest wife knew magic and chanted words, a rope appeared the wives held on to it, and the eldest again chanted magic words and the rope began to rise into the sky higher and higher. the husbands saw them up in the sky and ran outside and they did the same as the wives and went up and up the wives saw this and the eldest stopped them coming up. the husbands were stuck as the Taurus constellation and the wives were the Pleiades cluster

By Harry


This is my PMI ( Plus-minus-interesting ) I found it hard getting things that were interesting since it mostly just had ways of seeing the cluster in the article.

Matariki quiz

This is my 6 questions true or false quiz I made for literacy medals. I enjoyed getting the information to make into questions.

Thursday 4 June 2020

Water Cycle

This is my water cycle slideshow I made with curtis.


I am a snake in the garden
I am a lego piece being used every time
I am a yummy ice cream
I am a bar of chocolate
I am a black labrador called lucy
I am a kite high in the sky
I am a huge plane soaring through the clouds
I am a T.Rex roaring
I am a zoo full of animals
I am a gun shooting rubber bands