Friday 30 November 2018

Setting Sail

Setting Sail

We were at the harbour.The wind were noisey and waves were crashing on the side of the dock.
Then we got into the waka, the waves looked like they could destroy the waka.
Then we set sail. the rain was pouring down... 
For days we had been sailing and the it was still raining so its been hard to write this.
Four days later.The rain had finally stopped the waves had died down, the sun was setting and...
There was land all we were looking for I started paddling faster and faster we were going to be there in about a day...
One day later. we were nearly there I felt nervous,I looked at the island no people maybe we had found a new island!I had a rest from sailing when I woke up we were at the island. 
Then we decided to make a name.I thought we should name it New Zealand because its new and land not that sure about that "Zea" bit they agreed and now its called Officially New Zealand

The End

By Harry

Wednesday 21 November 2018

Maths quiz :D



1. get your chrome book.

2. go on your chrome book and search google drive.

3. go to the "new" button. click it.

4. create google slides.

5. give it a name where it says untitled presentation. 

6. click the plus button in the top left-hand corner.

7. make a text box by using the button that looks like that.

8. write your questions down for example 1+3=.

9. write answers link them by using ctrl k. 

10. add pictures.

11. done!

Tuesday 20 November 2018

Maui facts


1. Maui was a famous Maori warrior the myths and legends say that caught the sun and a huge fish also known as the north island. catch the fish he hid in the waka's hull and when his brothers went hi (fishing) he popped out of his hiding kōtingoting(spot) they were [te] hia (surprised) then he caught the matira (fish)

3. Maui sailed back home and got nuinga (everyone) when he got back the brothers had hacked the fish and made mountains and rivers.

Monday 19 November 2018

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Sunday 4 November 2018

Day 4

Day 3

Friday 2 November 2018

Thursday 1 November 2018